Faded into the background?

S Swedha
1 min readMay 25, 2021

In my first post, ‘A Draft Per Day’, I had mentioned that I would be writing every day on topics around feminism. However, I certainly did not keep up that promise and at one point, stopped writing articles, temporarily.

Why did that happen?

I enrolled myself in two Humanities courses that demanded a lot of my time on writing journals for every class and exercises.

This load, although might not be very heavy, prevented me from having the energy to creatively write for the blog. And poof! I vanished!

But, here I am, back with some ideas and loads of enthusiasm. I may again fall off track when sudden changes occur in my routine. However, I will try my best to be accountable for the promises that I had made to myself!

On that note, I would like to thank every reader (most of whom are friends I cherish a lot) for your support, love and feedback. We have had and will continue to have (I hope) very interesting conversations, many of which have inspired me!

Stay tuned for a story that I had written for my ‘Creative Writing’ course. It is not particularly about feminism but it still fits the theme of the blog.



